At least 80% of my stories are on rural communities. I go to faraway hills, nomad hamlets and fishing villages and, I am always searching for signs where women in these most unheard communities are using technology for a better life. What I
find is always amazing: women, most of
them with little or no education, are using technology to fight for their
rights, health, freedom and an improved livelihood. Below are 10 photos of how
women in villages are using technology to adapt to climate change.
Tracking the weather
As the climate becomes more erratic every passing day, rural communities are finding it increasingly tough to rely on their traditional knowledge of weather. So, they are now learning to monitor it. In this photo, taken in Medak district of southern India, women of a village are using a mini weather station. Here, they track the movement of wind, cloud and measure temperature and rainfall - everything that will later help them plan their farming activities.
Using mobile phone technology
Mobile phones are immensely popular in India. But these women are using mobile phones in the smartest way possible: sharing information on weather, availability of seeds, fertilizer, soil testing facilities and so on.